A Perthshire chicken factory accused of creating a stink with residents has said it will remedy the problem by the end of the month.
The 2 Sisters processing site in Coupar Angus has been given a September 30 deadline by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) over odours.
Sepa stepped in following a number of complaints from residents, issuing the owners with a final warning.
And the environmental watchdog also focused on what it believes are the causes of the problem, with an action plan concerning its scalder units, a tank farm and blood uplifts.
A spokesperson for 2 Sisters said: “September 30 is the deadline set by SEPA to submit a plan for addressing any odour issues that are uncovered as part of the investigation and 2 Sisters is working hard towards that deadline.
“Action will then follow from there. We are aware that residents have raised issues about odours in the area and we take their concerns seriously. Our site management are working with SEPA and Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council to investigate the issues.
“We have also engaged a specialist company to work with us to help identify any sources of odour and develop relevant controls.”
A spokesperson confirmed: “We have been in contact with the factory management over a long period regarding control of these odours and have recently served a final warning letter on the company. We are in active discussions regarding an improvement plan which must include greater mitigation and control of all odour sources at the site.”
John Swinney, MSP for Perthshire North, said: “Clearly there have been a number of concerns expressed by members of the public about the 2 Sisters factory in Coupar Angus,”
“The 2 Sisters site is a significant employer in the Coupar Angus area and it’s vital that remedial action is taken to address these concerns.”
The 2 Sisters group took over the Coupar Angus operation in George Street, which is a slaughtering and packaging site in 2013 after Vion UK pulled out. Around 430 people are employed there after the company cut more than 200 posts later in 2013.