The minister of Burnside Blairbeth Church recently marked a decade at the church.
William Wilson joined the church 10 years ago, and parishioners celebrated his anniversary by presenting him with a cake after a recent service.
However, William admitted the date had completely slipped his mind.
He said: “I had been thinking about the fact it was coming up for 10 years earlier in the month, but hadn’t thought about the date too much since then, so when the cake was presented to me I was completely surprised.
“It’s certainly feels more comfortable now than when I first started because I know the area a lot better, but it still feels very fresh at the same time.
“The biggest changes over the years have been around the people here, with some leaving or no longer being here, and then new faces emerging as time has gone by.”
Another big change has been the way the church has tried to reach out to the community by holding services on days other than Sunday.
The popular Messy Church, which offers a Saturday afternoon service aimed at families, is an example of this.
William said: “Messy Church has been going really great since it first started nearly two years ago.
“I suppose it’s one of the changes (over the past 10 years) where you are looking at different ways of encouraging worship.
“It’s a different way of people coming together where they can worship.
“We are conscious people won’t always gather to worship on Sunday at 11am, but the important thing is that they are worshipping, not the time of when they are doing it.”
After 10 years William also feels that he’s been made to feel welcome in the area.
He added: “The people have been a joy – we didn’t know Burnside at all when we arrived, but we were very surprised how cohesive a community it is, and how quickly we fitted in here.
“It was the north of Glasgow that I was used to (before moving to Burnside) although something I very quickly learned after coming here is that Burnside and Rutherglen are very distinct and not part of Glasgow.”
And he continues to hope that the church will continue to be involved in the overall community.
He said: “We want the building to be a place where people can get involved in the community.
“We have people in our congregation involved in the community councils, the church was involved in the initiation of the foodbanks and we have had church members volunteering in many other good causes, which is always great to see.”