Today, the Paisley Daily Express is calling on our generous readers to share some seasonal goodwill and help make life that wee bit brighter for people living in crisis.
Renfrewshire Foodbank is always on the lookout for donations and volunteers to help put food on tables.
As well as the usual items, at this time of year festive goodies like selection boxes and Christmas cake are needed to help bring some seasonal sparkle to everyone using Renfrewshire Foodbank.
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We want you to donate goodies such as chocolates, Christmas cake, selection boxes for children and men and women’s toiletry sets.
General items like small bottles of diluting juice, jam and toilet roll are also needed for the regular parcels and, when it comes to toiletries, deodorant, toothpaste and soap top the list.
Renfrewshire Foodbank manager Elizabeth Alexander is thrilled at the prospect of support from Express readers and people in our communities.
She said: “The parcels are made up separately and when people collect these we will give them some Christmas goods too.
“For example, if a person has three kids, then we will give them selection boxes.
“We are handing out 80 to 100 parcels every week to 120 or 130 people, and these are single people, couples and families.
“The number of children is going up and we gave parcels to 800 kids in just six months.”
Elizabeth cannot accept alcohol, toys or clothes and, at this time, does not need any beans or pasta.
She added: “When it comes to toiletries, we need all the basics, but especially shaving gel and razors.
“Getting these things will make a difference to people.
“It will be great to get something nice when times are tough.”
Elizabeth has been doing the job for 18 months and says, in her experience, the number of parcels needed in the area stays the same throughout the year.
While the foodbanks do a great job and really help people whose lives are balancing on a precipice, Elizabeth agrees it would be great for society if there was no need to have them.
She joked: “The day that I am unemployed will be a great day.”
Volunteers are needed to lend a hand at the warehouse in the run up to Christmas and Express readers are invited to get involved.
“We receive wonderful, large donations during this time, all of which we use.
“But, when these come in all together, it takes a lot of sorting to allow us to get the goods into our parcels for people.
“We are also doing a collection at Tesco stores in Paisley, Renfrew and Linwood on December 1, 2 and 3 and would love some helpers.
“ We are collecting items in all three stores for all three days and need volunteers to help at the stores and the warehouse.”
The Tesco collections need volunteers who can be there for a minimum of 90 minutes.
If you can help, call Elizabeth on 0141 889 7999 or email
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