Pensioners living in sheltered housing will be spared paying the community alarm charge following a huge public backlash to the proposals.
The North Lanarkshire Council climbdown came after an 1800-strong petition was submitted to the local authority by Central Wishaw and Coltness Community Councils.
The proposed £5 a week charge has also been slammed by politicians and members of the public ever since the council announced the plans back in July.
However, a report prepared for the council’s housing and social work committee now states: “It is proposed to put in place transistional arrangements whereby community alarm charges for sheltered housing tenants are suspended until the existing systems are upgraded in line with future cyclical replacement and additional options considered within future rent review considerations.”
Councillor Barry McCulloch, convener of housing and social work for North Lanarkshire Council, added: “I am pleased this decision has been taken to support free community alarm services for vulnerable people living in our sheltered housing complexes.”
The decision comes following a huge local campaign since the decision to charge elderly and vulnerable residents was announced in July.
Members of Coltness Community Council heard from council employees who are trying to implement the system across the local authority area.
Jim McCreanor, the council’s community social work manager, said: “The alarm service is a huge service. It covers 8,000 people and takes 300,000 calls per year and we give them to under-75s without an assessment.
“We need to get out to people because of the sheer volume of people who are affected.”
John Campbell, the council’s services manager for financial inclusion, added: “We have seen over 1,000 people who have had their benefits checked so we are trying to maximise their income.
“There are 8,000 people who have the community alarm system so we are trying to see everyone.
“In the past five years the council has collected £4.8 million in charges for home support but our team has also generated £22 million for these people.
“We would ask if there is anyone you would think would benefit from a visit from the financial inclusion team then please let us know.”
However, the meeting also highlighted to continued opposition to anyone being charged to use the vital service.
Councillor Sam Love said: “The charge is putting vulnerable people at risk. When the council said they were one of the few councils who didn’t charge I thought that was something to be proud of.
“The people who sit on the JIB and the council should hang their heads in shame for backing this.”
Coltness councillor John Taggart added: “The alarm system really makes a difference. Unplanned visits to hospitals cost the NHS thousands of pounds every week.
“It costs on average £6000 per week to keep one person in hospital. A free community alarm system supersedes that.”