A failing housing association is to be placed under the control of regulators as fears over financial mismanagement persist.
Furious tenants of Ferguslie Park Housing Association say their repeated demands for answers have been ignored, despite a new report revealing that major concerns continue.
The Scottish Housing Regulator’s involvement in the association is remains “high” with a watchdog appointed manager and three board members set to stay in post.
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Community activist Terry McTernan, who has spearheaded local efforts for transparency, says tenants remain in the dark.
He said: “There still appears to be a shroud of secrecy hanging over the association. Tenants have simply not been kept informed.
“We keep being told that the movement of travel is good and they are making positive changes. If that’s the case then why I the regulator still involved and still involved to the extent that it is?
“Tenants like myself would like answers. This is the third extension, meaning the board members and the manager appointed by the regulator will have been in post for about 18 months.
“Why is the level engagement so high from the regulator if things are getting better?”
The regulators originally appointed the manager and board members in Feburary 2016 and these appointments have been continued for 18 months raising concerns that the problems are not being properly tackled.
A recent report by the Scottish Housing Regulator says that despite good progress in tackling some of the issues identified the association “requires continued support to ensure that this progress is sustained”.
In February last year widespread concerns over “financial management” and “failures to comply Regulatory Standards of Governance” were revealed.
The regulator says the failing posed “significant and immediate risks to the interests of tenants, to public and private funders’ confidence and to the reputation of registered social landlords.”
In December last year Terry McTernan wrote a letter to the chief executive of the FPHA to call for a public meeting but the idea was rejected.
He said: “We have been calling for a serious public consultation over the issues from the start. So far there have been only sham meetings with hand-picked members of the community.
“We were told that the board needed outside appointments because th talent didn’t exist in the community. Well that is simply not true.
“There are people who could go in and help turn things around but they are not being given the opportunity.”
Another worried resident, John McIntyre, says the board should resign and a public meeting should be held over the continued regulator involvement.
He said: “The community still has grave concerns over the housing association. We need to the board to resign and for a meeting to be held so all these issues can be held in puvblic and not behind closed doors all the time.”
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