It is the latest must have dress from Primark – and now one of the last ones has sold out.
The perennially popular shop has once again proved that fashion need not cost a fortune, making its fans wild over one of its newest items.
It’s a gingham midi-dress with fluted sleeves which could be yours for a mere £15 – and fashionistas can’t get enough of it.
But there’s bad news if you want to get your hands on one – they’ve sold out and staff don’t know if they’ll ever be back in stock.
Dianne Bourne, from the Manchester Evening News , managed to snap up one of the last dresses in the country at Primark’s Manchester city centre store.
(Photo: Manchester Evening News)
(Photo: Manchester Evening News)
(Photo: Manchester Evening News)
She said: “I rarely shop at Primark, yet when I saw the headlines about this hot trend I too was clicking on the story to see just what item it is we’re all supposed to be dressing in this summer.
“I was pretty surprised to find it really did look like the gingham dress I last fitted into circa 1986 at primary school.
“To my delight I spy the blue and white gingham dress being pushed out on a rail from the changing rooms by a smiley shop assistant.
(Photo: Manchester Evening News)
(Photo: Manchester Evening News)
(Photo: Handout)
“To my dismay it’s a size 12 – so I swiftly enquire if there are any more in a larger size.
“It turns out it’s the last one in the entire store – and when I ask staff to check when a new delivery of the design will be coming in, they report that they have “no date” for any more EVER coming back in.
“She confides that I might be able to get one online on auction website Ebay, but whispers that they’re going at three times the shop price of £15.”
Here it is
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