Blantyre Soccer Academy’s 2007 Blacks are asking for sponsorship or donations towards their forthcoming race night.
The squad need to raise funds in a bid to participate in the weekend-long Ayr Football Festival event next year.
The team have been busy asking family and friends to sponsor horses for the night, which takes place on Friday, November 25, at Blantyre Miners Welfare, but need to work hard to raise even more money to pay for accommodation and amenities.
Head coach Alan McDonald said: “The boys are really excited about participating in the football festival next year – it is their first big festival
away from home – but it costs quite a substantial amount of money.
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“They’re working hard to raise funds and hope to partake in a bag packing event or other similar fundraiser as well as the planned race night (for adults only!).
“However, we do still require help with raffle prizes for the event.
“We’ve had some fab local companies already get on board such as Redburn Farm, Blantyre, the Bothwell Candle Company, CCL Electrical, Alarm Co and a sponsorship donation from William Tracey Recycling and Resource Management Group – all of whom have been very generous and we’re really appreciative
of their sponsorship and
“If any local company would kindly like to donate a gift, or indeed sponsor a race on the evening please get in touch for details.”
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Anyone wishing to help the team meet their target is asked to please email who will pass on the information to the club.
Meanwhile, the team require some experienced players to join their squad. They train every Tuesday night at Calderside Academy, Blantyre, and Thursday evening at the Jock Stein Sports Barn, Hamilton, and play in the Lanarkshire Football Development Association (LFDA) on Saturday mornings.
Any young player interested in potentially joining this talented team must be willing to take part in a number of trials over the next month.
For further information on trials please contact coach Davy Anderson on 07495 930196.
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