In recent weeks Councillor Tommy Cochrane, Neil Gray MP and I have been in discussions with the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) about their plans for closing their branch in Shotts.
The Shotts closure is part of a Scotland-wide programme of branch closures being made by RBS; a bank which is still 70 per cent owned by us, the taxpayers.
Despite our best efforts there is no way RBS is going to change its mind. The “consultation” doesn’t allow for that.
Our efforts now are focused in trying to bring RBS’s branch building into community ownership.
Although we asked for the Shotts community to get the building for nothing as a gesture of goodwill, RBS felt unable to agree.
I think that all the big banks should have a policy of social responsibility whereby at least some of their redundant assets are put to use for local communities.
For example the cost of donating RBS’s Shotts premises to the local community would pale into insignificance compared to the massive salary and bonuses their Chief Executive alone gets paid in any one year.
In truth the top brass at our big banks don’t really care about communities like Shotts, despite their rhetoric. They appear to be totally unaccountable to their major shareholders, even when those shareholders are us.
Since 2008, when the taxpayer had to spend billions of our money bailing out the banks because of their total incompetence, billions more have been wasted on fines for breaches of the law, breaking banking codes of conduct etc.
But still the upper echelons pay themselves massive salaries and bonuses every year. They claim we need to do so or else all this top “talent” will go elsewhere.
My view is let them go!
I could name hundreds of people who could make a far better job of running our banks.
It’s time for the UK Government, which is supposed to represent our interests as the biggest shareholder in banks like RBS, to take a far tougher stance on senior pay and bonuses than hitherto.
We also need to enforce in law the social responsibility role of all the big banks, so they cannot treat local communities with contempt.